Corona Virus is Scary but let’s not forget the common cold

There’s no cure for the common cold. However, kitchen cupboard remedies can prove very effective and comforting at easing symptoms.

Can lemons stop a cold in it’s tracks?

Mix the juice from half a lemon with an equal amount of warm water. Sniff it up the nostrils.

Long after a cold has gone, tickly dry coughs can bother us after the cold has gone. Fill a mug two thirds full with warm non skimmed milk. Put a knob of butter on the milk and allow to melt. Drink it slowly with the butter floating on the top.

Herbs to encourage sweating:

Make a spicy tea by adding a good pinch of ginger to hot water with a good pinch of cinnamon and cayenne. Brew for five minutes before drinking, wrap up well and go to bed.

Onions to clear the sinuses:-
Onions are wonderful infection fighters. They help loosen sticky mucus. Make an onion syrup by thinly slicing an onion. Put on a plate and lightly sprinkle with two spoons of honey. Cover with a plate and leave overnight. In the morning, drink 3 spoons of the syrup.

Sore throat?
Try sage and thyme. You can’t beat a sage or thyme gargle for curing a sore throat. Make an infusion by adding one heaped teaspoon of either herb to a cup of hot water and a dash of vinegar. Gargle two warm cups a day.

Garlic for chests:-

Garlic is particularly good for soothing chesty colds. Try it in savoury garlic soup. Gently fry five thinly sliced garlic cloves in olive oil until soft but not browned. Add five slices of cubed white bread and cook for another minute. Add a litre of chicken or vegetable stock, four chopped tomatoes and a pinch of thyme. Simmer for 15 minutes, then liquidise when a bit cooler. Reheat and serve.

The Dentist – Regular Check Ups?

It has been a while since I made an appointment with a dentist for a simple check up.  I have had such awful dentists over the years (and a few good ones) and have now developed a bit of a phobia to say the least.  I need to see one and if my front tooth falls out today, I am able to make an appointment, but for more serious stuff, feel I need to find out about being hypnotised.

I think fear of the dentist is fairly common.  At the moment, I have two crowns that don’t fit properly, making it difficult to eat certain foods, such as crispy bread or crispy bacon.  I don’t want to end up only eating soup or mashed potato, so must find some way of overcoming my fear.

A friend recently had implants done in Spain and the treatment is still ongoing after 18 months.  That seems a long time to suffer.

Broken Tooth, Tooth, Teeth, Dentist


Is Tai Chi for you?

In order to help get more movement in my recovering broken shoulder and arm, I had my first Tai Chi lesson a week ago.

I got lost and turned up 5 minutes late. I saw a teacher facing people standing perfectly still and listening to him. This went on for another 5 minutes and the teacher called me as he could see me through the glass door. He asked if I would like to join them and I briefly explained about my shoulder and jumped right in after taking off my coat. There was just one movement I couldn’t manage which involved hanging the right arm out at shoulder level with the wrist facing down. He said if I imagine doing it with my eyes closed, eventually the body will follow. Hey ho.

I wore my double air Nike trainers, whereas plimsolls would probably be more suitable for the foot swivels, so as not to damage knees.

Been there, got the

I don’t feel I can do my physio today as my poor arm has been through a lot the last couple of days. I definitely hope to go to more Tai Chi. My knee hurt a little, but hopefully, it will strengthen the muscles around the knee. Normally after exercise I feel exhausted, but I caught sight of my eyes in the toilet mirror and they were all sparkly. I felt invigorated.

Yesterday, I returned for my second lesson. It involved the same moves plus breathing techniques but best of all balancing on one leg and walking properly to make falls less likely. I feel it’s helping to make my shoulder more flexible. Some people felt incredibly hot after the session and I must say it’s incredibly relaxing. I don’t suppose it is for everybody as it is somewhat slow, but in my opinion a good way to get fit after an illness or accident.